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w a h g n u b e . o r g             ... emphatically static.

a b o u t   m e e n t r o p y a c t u a l i t y
a r t w o r k p i c t u r e s l i n k s
r e c e n t   s t u f f .:
01.16.04 - Separation into work and play sites has begun. Things will be more broken than usual.
11.27.03 - Spawned mmmaybe. This should give you a good idea as to where the site is heading. Revived aesthetica, for no real reason. Just nostalgic I guess. Also working relatively hard on a new site disclaimer.
11.19.03 - Extreme changes. Moving to a new domain and the blog now resides here Too many things broken to report. Slow fixes in progress.
10.11.03 - Well, I guess I lied. There were no "frequent updates". There however, has been an update to the picture page. It will have to do.
08.17.03 - A myriad of small changes forces a version number bump to v0.1.5b. The beta tag remains because many pages are in flux and/or are horribly broken. Frequent updates until a stable release should ensue as it's falling together in my head.
Earlier site news get archived along with journal entries.

Hit CountPeople conned into wasting their bandwidth.

Valid HTML 4.01!

Valid CSS!

gPhoto's Home

b2 - A classy weblog.

Mountain Dew powers this webmaster.

RedHat GNU/Linux powers my desktop.

Creative Commons License
:. e n t r o p y   [ a l p h a ! ]

Random things that interest me and stuff that didn't fit elsewhere else. Very incomplete.

This page is the constantly evolving play page. In its previous avatar, it was the interests page. (What's with the current name anyway? It's my tribute to the second law, and the closest I could get to calling it "random stuff" without actually calling it "random stuff".) Anyway, whatever I decide to call this place, it's where I get to rant away at what kind of stuff I love to do (and things I absolutely detest), and put up articles on issues that are of interest to me or about issues in my life. The site being extremely rigid and cold (in a very me way), needs a space like this to, well, give me a chance to let loose (in a not very me way). It contains everything from orderly classified bits of information indicating my preferences and ways of going about different things, to totally out of whack articles about random stuff, to links to "elevated blogs", and everything in between. As a result, I tend to think of it as more of an "about me" page than the other pseudo "about me" page can ever be. Since it is the catch-everything-that-didn't-fit-anywhere-else container page, you should expect it to be large, unruly, and for the most part, incomplete. Here are some links to get you started.

Interests and related articles
Random articles
Elevated blogs
Pet Projects

Elevated blogs

If you're curious to know just what an elevated blog is, and wish read some of mine, read on.

These are blogs which have gained a higher level of "coolness", for different reasons. They were/are probably important to me, or probably relevant to an issue that I care(d) about or some such thing. Probably, I just liked the way I had articulated a thought or just proud that I was able to come out and say it. (Meaning, ones that weren't read enough in my regular blog, considering the amout of time and/or heart that went into them and will be made sticky here just so that you are forced to see them and com(pli)ment on my thoughts, presentation style or whatever you choose to.)

After first being a "not so humble" blog entry, and attaining elevated blog status, most of these ambitious elevated blogs do not stop there. They then go on to be the foundation of (or more often end up verbatim, because of the site maintainer's lack of time/enthusiasm or plain laziness, as) articles. These articles lurk in the various categories under the interests subsection of this page, the random articles subsection, or some other section of this site. Therefore, you will see a good deal of repetitiveness (which I tend to think of as necessary redundancy, considering people's short attention spans) all around this website.

And, I almost forgot the central idea behind this page, here they are. My elevated blogs:

Title of the blog entry [ mm.dd.yy :: comments ]
Title of the blog entry [ mm.dd.yy :: comments ]
Title of the blog entry [ mm.dd.yy :: comments ]
Title of the blog entry [ mm.dd.yy :: comments ]

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