Last Updated :. (none)        

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w a h g n u b e . o r g             ... emphatically static.

a b o u t   m e e n t r o p y a c t u a l i t y a r t w o r k p i c t u r e s l i n k s
r e c e n t   s t u f f .:
01.16.04 - Separation into work and play sites has begun. Things will be more broken than usual.
11.27.03 - Spawned mmmaybe. This should give you a good idea as to where the site is heading. Revived aesthetica, for no real reason. Just nostalgic I guess. Also working relatively hard on a new site disclaimer.
11.19.03 - Extreme changes. Moving to a new domain and the blog now resides here Too many things broken to report. Slow fixes in progress.
10.11.03 - Well, I guess I lied. There were no "frequent updates". There however, has been an update to the picture page. It will have to do.
08.17.03 - A myriad of small changes forces a version number bump to v0.1.5b. The beta tag remains because many pages are in flux and/or are horribly broken. Frequent updates until a stable release should ensue as it's falling together in my head.
Earlier site news get archived along with journal entries.

Hit CountPeople conned into wasting their bandwidth.

Valid HTML 4.01!

Valid CSS!

gPhoto's Home

b2 - A classy weblog.

Mountain Dew powers this webmaster.

RedHat GNU/Linux powers my desktop.

Creative Commons License
:. p i c t u r e s

Introduced due to popular demand (from those who can't/don't like to read).

All of the following pictures have been taken using my Olympus Camedia C-5050 zoom camera. The original pictures lie between 3 MB and 5 MB each. They have been scaled down enormously (50 kB - 500 kB) for obvious reasons. I'd love to hear your comments. If for some reason you would like the originals, contact me.

The large sets of pictures have been broken down to smaller sets for those with lower bandwidth. Of course, it goes without saying, I used The GIMP to scale the images. They have not been digitally altered in any other way unless explicitly mentioned. And don't forget, they're released on this license.

Now, you can jump straight to them:

My Favorites
Late Fall 2003, Clouds
Albuquerque Trip 2003
Ann Arbor Art Fair 2003
Miami Trip 2003
Boston Trip 2003 [1, 2, 3]
Late Spring 2003, First Garden Fever
Instant Stalactites

Instant Stalactites

This is the first real update to the picture page. It's supposedly spring right now but mother nature seems to feel otherwise. Anyway, it rained, got cold, and water froze on the now leafless branches. I was up during parts of the night and early morning attempting to capture this in all it's glory. Well, I didn't entirely, but I've posted some of the pictures I found prettier than the rest. I'm especially proud of the third picture which I shot at some 2 A.M. Some of these make it quite obvious, shooting while shivering in the cold, and attempting to get clear pictures is not possible without a tripod. I need a tripod.

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04.05.03 04.05.03 04.05.03

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